+91 9810401471 | +91 9958233447 shalinikhanna.ivf@gmail.com

Evaluation begins with a detailed documentation of the history and physical examination of both the partners. Adequate counselling is an integral part of the management.

As a routine it is suggested to do:

 Haemogram with HPLC (to rule out thalassemia or other hemoglobinopathies)
 Blood sugar (fasting )
 Rubella IgG
 Endocrinology profile including S.TSH and S.Prolactin (These are the treatable causes of infertility)
 Mountoux and Chest X ray in suspected cases of tuberculosis.


Treatment is individualized to each patient after assessing them thoroughly in terms of history, examination and the previous treatment taken. Unnecessary investigations and unindicated procedures are avoided.