+91 9810401471 | +91 9958233447 shalinikhanna.ivf@gmail.com

What is Infertility?

Infertility, is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after one year of unprotected sex. It affects as many as 1 in 6 couples or 10% to 15% of reproductive-age couples.

The monthly conception rate of couples at peak fertility is 20% to 25%. 60% of couples conceive within 6 months, 80% within 12 months, and 90% within 18 months.

Why is infertility on the rise?

The prevalence of infertility is on the rise as women are postponing childbearing for social, economical, professional, or psychological reasons. Stress, smoking, alcohol, toxic chemicals and drugs exposure, and nutritional deficiencies or excesses can all negatively affect fertility.

What are the causes of infertility?

 One Third of infertility cases can be attributed to male factors.
 One Third of infertility cases can be attributed to female factors.
 One Third of infertility cases are caused by a combination of factors in both partners.

Treatment is individualized to each patient after assessing them thoroughly in terms of history, examination and the previous treatment taken. Unnecessary investigations and unindicated procedures are avoided.

When do you evaluate the couple for infertility?

We evaluate the couple normally after one year of unprotected intercourse. However, early evaluation and treatment is indicated in women with:
 Age > 35 years
Hypo /Oligomenorrhea and Amenorrhea
 Known or suspected uterine / tubal disease, endometriosis or diminished ovarian reserve
 Suspected or infertile partner .


 One third of women who delay pregnancy until after age 35 years  and at least half of the women who delay until after 40 years will have some difficulty in conceiving .